Gunnar G-3
November 27, 2002

Sometimes important parts can keep you from assembling major components. These are the rear rocker pivot bearing housings. The shiny ones are the base and the hard coat anodized parts are the housings. The small part above is the end of the shifting shaft. These are parts that are no longer available, so we made them.

Here we use a twin turbo engine as a mock to assemble the bell housing, transmission, and rear suspension (these are all 962 parts).

Another view.

Here the bearing pivot is installed. The black tube frame is the left rear rocker, which supports the shock, the stabilizer pivot, and the uniball, which picks up the upright.

The arrow on the left shows the stabilizer pivot. The arrow in the middle picks up the top of the shock. The arrow on the right shows the uniball for the top mount of the upright.

Here you can see the shocks in position.

In this picture you can see the aluminum frames that will hold the rear wing.

Here the lower control arm is installed.
Currently we are building axles and the rear uprights.
Happy Thanksgiving!

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